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Steroid Hormone Products
Mifepristone Tablets SFDA approval number H20033551 Mifepristone Tablets are used in sequential combination with prostaglandin drugs to terminate a pregnancy within 49 days gestation.
Misoprostol Tablets SFDA approval number H20073696 This drug is used in sequential combination with Mifepristone Tablets to terminate an early pregnancy within 49 days gestation.
Compound Mifepristone Tablets SFDA approval number H20040365 This drug is used in sequential combination with Misoprostol Tablets to terminate an early pregnancy within 49 days gestation.
Levonorgestrel Capsules SFDA approval number H20080243 This product is used for female emergency contraception, that is, when unprotected sex occurs or other contraceptive methods accidentally fail.
Mifepristone Tablets SFDA approval number H20083780 This product is used for the treatment of uterine myomas and is a national essential drug. This product is a strong antagonist of progesterone. It can significantly shrink myomas, and quickly improve anemia. This product is used for preoperative treatment of adult women at childbearing age who have moderate to severe symptoms due to uterine myomas; The course of treatment lasts for 3 months.
Cyproterone Acetate Tablets SFDA approval number H20056637 This product is an androgen receptor inhibitor and a national essential drug. This product is used for the treatment of hypersexuality and prostate cancer in males. This product is used for the treatment of acne, seborrheic dermatitis and hirsutism in females.